My Drive Home
My trip ends at Jim's parking garage where we can view Target's Headquarters and the University of St. Thomas.
I am so thankful that after a busy day working with a toddler I have this time to drive back to Jim's work and that I was able to find a job that allows us to share a car for however much longer we need to do so. We're not sure when we will be able to buy a second car because we are also trying to save up for a house, but we have been looking at cars as we drive around town and are leaning toward something that would not be as large as an SUV, but would allow us to carry kayaks and bikes.
Speaking of which, we recently bought Jim a bike using our rewards points that we recieved for singning up with our internet carrier. Not a bad deal. Now that my camera is working again I will take some photos of us on a ride soon.