We're Having a Baby
Here I am at 14 weeks. We had our third prenatal apprt. yesterday and during the appointment we got to hear the baby's heartbeat with a doppler. It is still surprising somehow that it is still there-- but there it was, beating at about 145 bpm. In 6 weeks, on december 15 we get to see the baby on an ultrasound again and will likely get to find out the sex of the baby.
I am feeling better than I was with morning sickness and fatigue, although I still tire very easily and this morning I threw up. I am so blessed to have such a supportive husband in my life. Nearly every morning-- unless I get up first Jim makes me toast and serves me in bed, and some days I even get french toast. Yum. He has been trying to fatten me up because between our first appt. and the last one I had lost 5 pounds and he wants to insure the baby will be nice and healthy. By this last appointment I had only gained .4 of a pound, although I don't look it, and thankfully the doctors say this is normal in the first trimester.
I will be updating a video soon and probably a photo post, but we will have to see how long I last.
I'm sorry it has been so long for me to update this blog. I will try to do better becuase I realize for many of you Michiganders and those in Missouri and California, this is your only way to stay updated on us.